Route 16 線

16 線(藍田 (廣田邨) ↔ 旺角 (柏景灣))
Route 16 (Lam Tin [Kwong Tin Estate] – Mong Kok [Park Avenue]

直至非空調巴士最後服務日,該路綫為全港當時擁有最多常規熱狗派車之路綫(字軌為01、02及S01,共3輛),因此在早上開始,便有不少得悉當日為熱狗最終服務日普通市民和巴士迷專程乘搭該路綫遊河。在當日早上,九巴派出三輛熱狗行走該路綫,分別為 S3N363GA5311)、S3N369GA6324)及 S3N366GA6072);其後 GA5311 及GA6072 遭換出,並由廠方調派 S3V26GL258)、S3N368GA6126)取而代之,另加入在廣田邨總站候命多時的 S3V11GK8522)行走,此時行走該路線的熱狗共有4部。

Route 16 was the route with the largest number of “hot dogs" serving regularly in the final days before the full air-conditionization of Hong Kong’s bus services, so a great deal bus enthusiasts as well as ordinary citizens already flooded the “hot dog" buses already in the morning. KMB deployed 3 non-air-conditioned buses to route 16 in the morning that day, namely S3N363 (GA5311), S3N369 (GA6324) and  S3N366 (GA6072). Later GA5311 and GA6072 was replaced by S3V26 (GL258), S3N368 (GA6126), and S3V11 (GK8522), which was idling throughout the morning at Lam Tin terminus, entered service also.

該路綫於該服務日最後一班熱狗開出之時間為(5月9日)凌晨 12 時 02 分,而該班車同時亦為本港專營巴士服務史上最後一班非空調班次。不少巴士迷早已預料選乘有關班次的人士眾多,為爭取有利位置,不少市民提早多個小時到達旺角(柏景灣)巴士總站輪候,排首位的乘客早於當日下午4時便已抵達現場。其後候車人數不斷增加,至晚上9時許,龍尾已伸延至路綫 16 候車月台末端,隨後人龍更開始佔據旁邊路綫 33A 的車坑,令後者須改用站內備用車坑。至晚上 11 時左右,輪候人數估計已有三百餘,而總站內亦人頭湧湧。

The last non-air-conditioned departure on the final service day, which is also the last ever non-air-conditioned bus departure in Hong Kong history, was scheduled to depart from Mong Kok (Park Avenue) at 00:02 (May 9). A few days before the final service day, many enthusiasts already predicted that there would be a large crowd who hope to board that final departure. Many citizens were already waiting at Park Avenue bus terminus hours before the final departure time, with the first passenger in the queue arriving at about 16:00 that day.

晚上11時34分,距離尾班車開出尚餘半小時多,在正常車務安排下柏景灣總站不應在此時出現熱狗,但隸屬荔枝角車廠的 S3N365GA5685)突然進入總站,意味該車將以「跨廠特」* 身份服務最後熱狗班次,引起在場巴士愛好者歡呼,大量巴士迷聞訊即蜂擁上前拍攝該車。至晚上十二時左右,多輛負責最後熱狗班次的臨時加班非空調巴士亦先後抵達總站,並陸續駛入路綫 16 之車坑。由於其時在場的熱狗數量高達八輛,與早前流傳的三輛/五輛大有分別,更出現荔枝角車廠的「跨廠特」熱狗支援,令現場氣氛進一步升溫。

At 23:34, half an hour before the scheduled last departure time,  S3N365 (GA5685), a “hot dog" belonging to Lai Chi Kok Depot, arrived at Park Avenue B/T. As the entire route 16 is managed by Kowloon Bay Depot, and a LCK Depot bus would never serve the route under normal circumstances, a huge round of applause was heard by all those who were in the terminus at that time. The remaining buses executing the last departure entered the terminus afterwards, and a total of 8 non-air-conditioned buses appeared in the terminus simultaneously at midnight.

同時,S3V27GL390)和S3N369GA6324)開始上客,在 12 時 15 分離開車坑,其後S3N368GA6126)及S3N366GA6072)緊接駛前上客,在 12 時 23 分離開車坑,接下來的是 S3N362GA4829)和 S3N365GA5685),在12時31分離開車坑,最後為S3N360GA6394)和S3V26GL258)上客,於12時33分離開車坑,並與前車一同離開總站。

S3V27 (GL390) and S3N369 (GA6324) left the terminus at 00:15 , followed by S3N368 (GA6126) and S3N366 (GA6072) which left at 00:23. S3N362 (GA4829) and S3N365 (GA5685) were the next to depart (at 00:31), and finally S3N360 (GA6394) and S3V26 (GL258) departed at 00:33.

各輛熱狗在最後熱狗班次中並未出現超車情況,故抵達藍田總站的次序與開出次序一致,惟首兩輛車車速較快,於抵達藍田後便迅速離開總站,第三車及以後車輛在開出後便沒有再遇上前車。第四車至第七車之間則較為緊貼,在路途中各車不時與前、後車相遇,甚至有坐在後車車頭之乘客與前車車尾乘客握手,相信此舉日後再無機會出現;而各班車抵達總站的時間差距亦不算長。而最後班次之中的真正尾班車 S3V26GL258)則大為落後於主車群,最後該車在 1 時 20 分左右駛入廣田邨總站,並在1時30分於大批巴士迷簇擁下徐徐駛離藍田 (廣田邨) 巴士總站,香港的非空調巴士載客服務終於告一段落。

The order of arrival at Lam Tin was the same as the order of departure, due to the fact that no overtaking occurred throughout the whole journey. The fourth to seven buses departed were quite close in distance with each other, and a funny scene of passengers in different vehicles holding hands together was seen! The last bus departed, S3V26 (GL258), entered Lam Tin terminus at 01:20, and left the terminus at 01:30 with the applause from a large crowd of bus enthusiasts, marking an end to Hong Kong’s non-air-conditioned bus service.


S3N360 GA6394 @ 296A – R21
拍攝者 Photographer: LN5756
 S3N362 GA4829 @ 1A – 09
拍攝者 Photographer: ksmbh

S3N363 GA5311 @ 16 – 01
拍攝者 Photographer: HL8354
 S3N365 GA5685 @ 16 – 30
拍攝者 Photographer: LN5756
 S3N366 GA6072 @ 16 – 38
拍攝者 Photographer: LN5756
 S3N368 GA6126 @ 16 – 01
拍攝者 Photographer: MJ2927

S3N369 GA6324 @ 16 – 02
拍攝者 Photographer: MJ2927

S3V11 GK8522 @ 16 – S01
拍攝者 Photographer: LN5756

S3V26 GL258 @ 16 – P31
拍攝者 Photographer: MJ2927

S3V27 GL390 @ 16 – D21
拍攝者 Photographer: ksmbh
車隊編號 車牌 字軌 負責班次
S3N360 GA6394 296A-R21 最後熱狗班次(臨時加班)
S3N362 GA4829 1A-09 最後熱狗班次(臨時加班)
S3N363 GA5311 01 約中午十二時換出回廠
S3N365 GA5685 30 最後熱狗班次
S3N366 GA6072 S01 > 38 約下午一時換出回廠,
S3N368 GA6126 01 約中午十二時換入行走本線
S3N369 GA6324 02 全日行走
S3V11 GK8522 S01 約下午一時換入本線候命,
S3V26 GL258 P31 約下午二時換入行走本線
S3V27 GL390 D21 最後熱狗班次(臨時加班)
註:除 S3N363(GA5311)及S3V11(GK8522)外,所有曾於當日行走16線之熱狗均有負責行走最後熱狗班次。

本線詳盡路線資料請參閱:16 頁面
For detail information of this route, please reference to : 16 Page