Leyland Olympian 11M

S3BL470 GB2444

利蘭奧林比安為本港現存數目最少的非空調巴士型號,目前只能從訓練巴士中找到其蹤影。這批巴士使用康明斯 LT10 引擎及ZF 4HP500波箱,並配以亞歷山大RH車身。因上層車廂使用三加二座位編排,令載客量大增,合共達142人。由於此車採用後置引擎設計,傳動軸無需經過地台之下,所以地台比大部分同同期生產的前置引擎巴士低,方便乘客上落。 同時,三軸版奧林比安的中軸設有同步輔助轉向功能,這設計除了令巴士比其他同類產品有更佳的靈活性,更可令巴士中軸輪胎在轉彎時的磨擦力減少,以延長中軸輪胎的壽命。

Now being the non air-conditioned bus model which has the least number of vehicles serving franchised route, only 2 Leyland Olympians are now still in service in the KMB revenue-earning fleet. They are equipped with Cummins LT10 engine and ZF 4HP500 transmission, with RH bodyworks provided by Walter Alexander.

The total capacity of the Leyland Olympians is 142, enhanced thanks to the ‘3+2’ seating arrangement on the upper deck. As their engines are located to the rear of the vehicle, the propeller shaft does not have to pass under the floor of the lower deck, thus providing a lower floor when compared to most of the front-engined buses manufactured in the same period.

Translated by KX675 based on information on EBTHK.